
Now you can download everything on your mobile phones like videos,games,wallpaper,softwares etc. for free using mobtorrent Download.  
Mob torrent is a recently launched application which is compatible to your Mobile phones i.e. torrent setup for mobile devices is available. Download mobtorrent here.
Mobtorrent free download.
able accept all torrents in it.and can download as much longer file as you want. 
MobTorrent is the first BitTorrent client for Java ME. It requies CLDC 1.1, MIDP 2.0 and JSR 75 for file handling. The target platform is Nokia S40 such as Nokia 6500 clasic, however it should support all Java ME capable phones with the proper JSRs.
MobTorrent supports S60 platform as well, however for that we recommend SymTorrent.
For detailed information please watch our screencast which demonstrates the main functions of MobTorrent.
MobTorrent 1.1 fixes sevarl problems and imroves download speed as well. If you would like to have any new features or you find some bugs don't hesitate to email them to us.
This is torrent setup for your Mobile phones. 

If you would like to import Mob Torrent source into NetBeans, please create firstly a MobTorrent engine project, then a MobTorrent project which refers to the engine as a library.Just download this torrent setup for Mobile Phones. If you are facing with any issues related to the source please contact us.  

Download Mob Torrent Download is free and open source software under GNU General Public License.This is what you can load your torents on your mobile phones  If you want to support MobTorrent please contact us.

Mobtorrent.jar free download for your mobile phones.

Name      -    mobtorrent.jar + screenshots

Size         -     1.2 Mb

Format    -       Jar

Download (for Indain users only)

Friday, December 4, 2009 | 0 comments | Labels: